Strain Energy in Bending Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Concept of Strain Energy - Strain Energy in Bending

Strain Energy in Bending:

Let the element now be subjected to a constant bending moment M causing it to bend into an arc of radius R and subtending an angle dθ at the centre, as in Figure 8.4. The beam shall also have moved through an angle dθ.

Strain energy of the element, dU = work done

= (½) × moment × angle of rotation

527_Strain Energy in Bending.png


= (1/2) M ×dq

= ( ½) M × ds (since, ds = R d θ)

= (½) M × (M /EI) × ds (since, M /I = E/R)

= M 2 ds / 2 EI

Total strain energy in bending,

132_Strain Energy in Bending1.png

For small curvatures this reduces to

1111_Strain Energy in Bending2.png

here dx is the undeformed element length.

If M is constant throughout the length L, after that

U = M 2 L /2 EI

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