Introduction of Part Programming For Milling and Turning
In previous unit, some basic fundamentals for CNC part programming were discussed. These principles are to be used in the programming of milling and turning centres. In this unit, we will study some specific details about programming the milling and turning centres using the detailed given in previous unit. Programming for machining centres has been detailed in the first section of this unit. This is followed by the programming details for the turning centre.
Objectives of Part Programming For Milling and Turning
After studying this unit, you should be able to
1. Program reasonably complex profiles to be machined in CNC machining centres,
2. Understand the differences between machining centres and turning centres from the programming standpoint, and
3. Program reasonably complex profiles to be machined in CNC turning centres.
Enough details of programming were presented in previous unit. Now we will use those details about the programming functions for developing programs for simple parts that can be machined using a CNC milling machine. The examples presented below will clarify the use of those principles.