Voice Processing,Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Computer Advancements Affecting Production - Voice Processing,Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

Voice Processing

Voice processing involves technologies that use spoken language to send or receive information from a computer. It often involves using the telephone. For example, an automised telephone ordering system can be used to catalogue merchandise from some retailers.

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

While computers are better than humans at dealing with huge amounts of data and repetitive tasks like calculating numbers, people are still better at reasoning and problem solving. But computer scientists are working on it.

Artificial intelligence is the use of computers to solve problems by applying abstract reasoning and what we call "common sense"—in short to mimic human logic. This branch of computer science focuses on the ways we perceive and assimilate data, reason from it, adapt to it, and communicate what we have learned to others.

One way in which organizations apply artificial intelligence is through the use of expert systems, computer programs that limits human thinking through a complicated series of "if...then" rules. These systems apply human knowledge to problems in specific subject areas in order to solve the problems



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