Performance Characteristics Assignment Help

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Performance Characteristics:

The principal performance curve of any centrifugal machine is the head-flow characteristic.


With       ?2 = radius of impeller

             β2 = angle of exit at impeller tip

            C = velocity having suffix r for radial, u for tangential & 2 for exit

            ω = angular speed of impeller in rad/s

            u = velocity of impeller tip

We can write for the tangential velocity at the exit

C u2 =u2 -Cr2cot β2                              ... 3.14

We already know that head developed having no pre-whirl is given by,

w = Cu 2 u2                                         ... 3.15

form the above two equations we get,

w = u2 (u2  - Cr 2 cot β 2 )                       ... 3.16

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Therefore we find that for a given compressor, for which ?2 & β2 are fixed, & a rotating having definite speed, the head developed is a straight line function of the radial velocity Cr2. In turn, the flow rate a is proportional to Cr2, The limiting head is u2 that is developed at, Cr2=0, that means, at zero flow rate. This take place when the impeller is merely rotating in a mass of the fluid having the delivery valve closed.

This is seen that the nature of the characteristic based on the outlet blade angle β2 as follows:

Three kinds of blades are identified. They are backward-curved, radial & forward curved.

(a) For backward-curved blades, β2 < 90° head reduced with flow and therefore with                      Q

 (b) For radial blades, β2 = 90° head = u 2 = const.

 (c) For forward-curved blades, β2 > 90°, head enhance with flow

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Mollier Diagram of Centrifugal Stage

From the point of view of the optimal design, an outlet blade of angle of 32° is generally preferred. However, A simple design will have radial blades.

Given fig indicate the theoretical head-flow characteristic for the three cases of angle β2. For the particular case of backward-curved blades, this is a drooping characteristic.

Though, the actual characteristic may be obtained by considering the following losses as shown in given fig.

 (a) Leakage loss L1 proportional to the head.

 (b) Friction loss L2 proportional to 715_Performance Characteristics2.png and so Q2

 (c) Entrance loss L3 because of turning of the fluid to enter the impeller, being zero at the designing point, that also corresponds to highest efficiency.

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 Performance Characteristic and Losses of a Centrifugal Compressor

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