Homoelement Bonding Assignment Help

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Homoelement bonding

Bonding between atoms of similar type may often be exists when a binary compound shows an apparently anomalous stoichiometry. For instance, the solids with empirical formulae NaO, KO2, LiS, CaC2 and NaN3 consist of the ions O22-, O2- , S22-, C22-and N3- correspondingly. With a p-block element of intermediate electronegativity the combination of an electropositive metal gives so-called Zintl compounds. Some consist of discrete polyatomic units like Ge4 tetrahedra in KGe; in others there are continuous bonded networks like Si chains in CaSi, or layers in CaSi2. Frequently these structures can be understood by isoelectronic analogy with the nonmetallic elements: so Ge4 4 - (in KGe) has similar valence electron count as P4; Si2- (in CaSi) is likely isoelectronic to S, and Si- (in CaSi2) to P. Even though this analogy is helpful the ionic formulation may be misleading, like the solids are frequently metallic in appearance and are semiconductors.

The word metal-metal bonding is used when such type of homoelement bonding involves the more electropositive element of a binary pair. Once more, it may sometimes be exist when an unusual oxidation state is found. For instance, HgCl consists of molecular Hg2Cl2 units with Hg-Hg bonds and GaS also has Ga-Ga bonds.

Metal-rich compounds are created by early transition metals, with formulae like Sc2Cl3 and ZrCl, and structures depicting extensive metal-metal bonding. They are particularly common with elements of the 4d and 5d series and sometimes may not be supposed from the stoichiometry. An instance is MoCl2, which consists of the cluster [Mo6Cl8]4+ with a metal-metal bonded Mo octahedron. Metal-metal bonding frequently provides rise to anomalous magnetic or other properties but the surest condition is a structural one by metal-metal distances comparable with or shorter than those found within the metallic element.

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