Pareto Optimal Allocations Assignment Help

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Pareto Optimal Allocations:


An  allocation x is Pareto optimal if it  is feasible and there is no other feasible allocation that all consumers weakly prefer and at least one strictly prefers to x. Symbolically, a feasible allocation  

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Thus,  it  is  impossible  to  make one  agent better  off without making other worse off. In the figure the indifference curves of A, B are tangent and at this point  all gains trade  are  exhausted.  This  not  always true  however. If  the preferences are not convex, then  it  is not true. Moreover, even  in  the case of strictly convex preferences, the set of Pareto optimal allocation may contain
other points, besides  the options of tangencies of indifference curves. Essentially,  therefore,  we  look  for the  set  of  tangency points  of the indifference curves of A and B. The set forms the contact curve (CC) and the allocations that lie along this curve are Pareto efficient. Moreover, the set of choices of the agents agree to trade will  lie  somewhere on CC  that passes through the lens defined by  the points interior to uA  and  uB.

Example: (Due to Bar, M)

Find the Pareto optimal allocations of the following problem.


You are given the description of a pure exchange economy with two agents (1 and 2); two goods (x,y) and initial endowment (o,oy).  Solve for

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We  want  to maximise the utility  of agent  1  when  the utility  of agent 2  is given.  If  we  translate the  problem  to  Pareto optimal  formulation  it is equivalent to  saying that  it is  impossible to make  agent 1  better off without making agent 2 worse off. The  last  two constraints of  the problem  give the feasibility constraints.  To  solve the  problem  substitute the feasibility constraints into the first constrain which produces the modified version of the problem as

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The  left hand  side is the slope of agent 1  indifference curves (MRS1)  and the right hand side is the slope of agent 2 indifference curves (MRS2).  Thus, if we have "well  behaved" preferences, we  can find the set of Pareto optimal (PO) allocations using.

MRS1  = MRS2

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