Calculation of Bearing from Angles:
If included angles measured clockwise between survey lines at stations and bearing of any one line are known, bearings of all other lines can be calculated as follows:
Bearing of a line = given bearing of adjacent line + Included angle (measured clockwise) between the lines.
If the sum is more than 360o, then deduct 360o to obtain the bearing of the line. The process is explained with the help of following examples.
(a) Let fore bearing of line AB, α and included angle θ between AB and BC are given.

Figure: Bearing from Included Angle
Then back bearing of line AB at B would be
α1 = 150o + 180o = 330o
Included angle θ = 70o
Then fore bearing of line BC = 330o + 70o = 400o > 360o.
∴ Fore bearing of line BC = 400o - 360o = 40o.
(b) Let fore bearing of line BC and included angle θ is given. Included angle θ measured from BC to BA = 70o measured counterclockwise or will be 360o - 70o = 290o measured clockwise. Hence the back bearing of line AB, i.e. WCB of line AB at B would be 40o + 290o = 330o measured clock wise.