By managerial communications, you have to first institute a goal if you are to communicate successfully. You must also decide on a communication channel. For example, presume you were heading the Korean car company, Kia, as it entered the U.S. market. Your purpose would be to form demand among American consumers for a car made by a company they beforehand knew naught about. You might choose to use
television promotion as your channel. Achieve your purpose is forced by two factors: obtainable resources and standing. Resources comprise money, human resources, and timing. For example, aeration an advertisement throughout the Super- bowl would definitely raise wakefulness of Kia. It might, how- ever, is too exclusive, or there might not be enough time to generate the advertisement to meet the construction target.
Standing is based on the constituency's awareness of the company, quite than on the company itself. As will be describe in more detail later, a company's standing is a precious asset. You must have a practical assessment of your company from the constituency's point of vision. Many company's interior views of their strengths and weaknesses are different from definite consumer perception of those fundamentals. Marketing consulting firms can support you in obtaining a precise assessment of your company's current standing.