The Changing Environment for Business
Although corporations had no exact strategy previous in this century for industry with communication as a functional area, they frequently had to take action to external and interior constituency whether they required to or not. As the environment for business become more hostile, laws also start to change, forcing company to communicate in new and much more public ways.
According to three special polls, while close to 75 percent of the populace agreed in the late 1960s that business balanced profit and the public interest, only 15 percent would agree with the same statement by the mid 1970s. This fundamental shift in attitude created a dramatic need for corporate communication to expand as a practical area in trade.
The Development of the Function
Because of the altering environment, the response to constituency become recurrent enough that someone who was not dependable for another function, such as marketing or administration, had to take control of certain aspect of communication. This function was almost always called either community family members or public relationships. Typically, it incorporated a constituent that would challenge to tolerate the institute to interact with depress. More often than not, however, the function in its budding days really existed to keep the press away from the inner workings of the conglomerate. Thus, the depreciatory term criticism came into existence as a way to describe what PR people were actually doing: defensive top managers from "bullets" thrown at them from exterior the boundaries of the association.
Since the depress was used to this sort of association, and the general public was fewer paying attention in the inner workings of business than they are today, the flak era of public relations lasted for many years. As companies wanted to add other communications behavior to the list, public relations personnel were the understandable choice. For example, in the 1960s it was not extraordinary to find public relatives official handling speech- symbols, annual reports, and the everywhere "house organ".
Given that the preponderance of work in this region concerned commerce with the press (television was not a factor until the near the beginning 1970s), former reporters were characteristically hired to hold this job. They could, after all, write rapidly and coherently, which were the most important skills necessary for a regulation revolving around the inscription of press release and speech.
These journalists-twisted-flaks brought the primary real knowledge in the area of communication to the conglomerate. Most other manager in large company, until newly, came from very established business-leaning backgrounds such as accounting, finance, engineering, production, or at best sales or marketing. Their sympathetic of how to communicate depended on ability that they strength have gain by chance or through excellent student or secondary school teaching rather than years of understanding in the workplace. Given their more quantitative orientations, these old-style managers welcome a professional conversationalist who could take the heat for them and offer leadership based on something other than seat- of-the-pants way of thinking.