CMY Model Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Colouring - CMY Model

CMY Model:

The cyan, magenta, yellow (CMY) colour model is a subtractive model depends on the colour absorption properties of paints and inks. As such it has become the standard for various graphics output devices like ink jet and thermal transfer printers. The principle of the CMY model is illustrated in Figure in which white light beamed toward the viewer is intercepted by partially overlapping cyan, magenta, and yellow filters. The cyan filter removes red light from the beam and passes just cyan, the complementary colour to red.

1581_CMY Model.png


Interactive colour picker supporting the RGB colour model and the HSV (hue, saturation, value) colour model both. The user may select any hue from the colour wheel by either pointing or clicking or by numerical control of the RGB arrows. The brightness is controlled through the slide control along the right-hand side.

CMY Color Cube CMY colour cube coordinatesor Cube
CMYK colours RGB and CMY colour cubes
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