Red Hot Stove Rule Assignment Help

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The Red Hot Stove Rule       

Without the continual support of subordinates, no manager can obtain things done. But, disciplinary action against a delinquent worker is painful and produces resentment on his part. Therefore, questions occur as to how to impose discipline without producing resentment? It is possible through what Douglas McGregor called upon the "Red Hot Stove Rule", which draws an analogy among touching a hot stove & undergoing discipline.

In according Red Hot Stove rule, disciplinary action should have the consequences which are following:

1. Burns immediately

If disciplinary action is to be taken, it has to occur immediately so the specific will understand the cause for it. With the passage of time, people contain the tendency to convince themselves that they are not at mistake.

2. Provides warning

It is very vital to provide advance warning that punishment will follow improper behaviour. Since you move nearer to a hot stove, you are warned by its heat that you could be burned if you touch it.

3. Gives consistent punishment

Disciplinary action should also be consistent in that everybody who performs the similar kind of act will be punished accordingly. As with a hot stove, each of people who touch it is burned the similar.

4. Burns impersonally

Disciplinary action might be impersonal. There are no favourites while this approach is followed.

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