Progressive Discipline Approach
In this approach discipline is imposed in a progressive manner, giving a chance to the worker to accurate his or her misconduct voluntarily. The approach aims at nipping the difficulty in the bud, using only sufficient corrective action to remedy the shortcoming. The sequence & severity of the disciplinary action differ with the kind of offence and the circumstances surrounding it. Progressive discipline is fairly similar to positive discipline in that it too utilizes a service of steps that enhance in imaginary and safety until the final steps. Though, positive discipline replaces the punishment utilized in progressive discipline with counselling sessions among employee and supervisor.
The concept of progressive discipline states that penalties have to be appropriate to the violation. If unsuitable behaviour is minor in nature and has not before occurred, an oral warning might be sufficient. If the violation needs a written warning, it has to be done according to a process. After written warnings, if the conduct of the worker is still not along wanted lines, serious punitive steps could be initiated. Major violations like hitting a supervisor might justify the termination of an employee instantly.
In order to assist a manager to identify the proper level of disciplinary action, some of firms have formalised the process. One approach in the establishment of progressive disciplinary action is shown in given figure.

The Progressive Discipline Approach