Bargainable Issues Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Collective Bargaining - Bargainable Issues


Which is the fact that could be bargained across the table? Practically any issue that has relevance to workers and management becomes the subject matter of bargaining. Though, in certain particular cases both workers and management are reluctant to yield ground. Traditionally, management is not eager to negotiate work method, arguing that this is management are exclusive right to select how the work is to be finished. Similarly unions do not want discussions on production norms & disciplinary matters, because any agreement in this regard would put restrictions on their freedom. Though over the years, the nature & content of collective bargaining has altered quite dramatically, thanks to the pulls & pressures exercised by the bargaining parties.

Traditionally, wages & working conditions have been the initial focus areas of collective bargaining. Though, in recent times, the procedure of bargaining has extended to almost any area that comes under the employer-employee relations, covering a big territory. 

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