Sewer Management
The principal efforts in the maintenance of sewers are to keep them clean and unobstructed. A sewer system, although buried, cannot be left unattended. It will corrode, erode, clog or otherwise deteriorate with the passage of time. The size of the capital investment in a sewer system justifies its preventive maintenance. Work to be done in the maintenance of sewerage works particularly the sewer system, includes inspection, measurements of rate flow, cleaning, flushing, repairs, supervision of connections, protection of existing sewers, prevention of explosions, valuation and other aspects.
The construction of sewers that are to be connected to the municipal sewer system should be supervised and inspected by the municipal authorities to avoid difficulties that may arise later on through improper design and construction. Connections made to sewers by irresponsible or ignorant persons working without official supervision may cause trouble in sewers because of the weakening of the sewer structure, blockage, foundation collapse, the admission of ground water, etc. Connections should be made only through the openings provided therefore. New building should not be connected to the sewer until construction is complete; the danger from the careless disposal of waste building materials into the sewer is to be guarded against. Since many troubles in sewers arise from improperly built house sewers connected to them, the latter sewer should be constructed with the same care as that given to the public sewer.