Direct Numerical Control (DNC)
Direct numerical control the operations of a group of NC machine tools using a shared computer simultaneously. Programming, editing part programs & downloading part programs to NC machines are major responsibilities of the computers in a NC system. Cincinnati Milacron and General Electric first used idea of direct numerical control in the mid 60s. By 1970, about half dozen vendors marketed their DNC systems. Because of high cost of mainframe computers and introduction of CNC in the year 1970s, the DNC system couldn't become popular in industry.
The capacity of stored memory and increased intelligence of the built -in, low cost, and dedicated computer replaced the wanted features of the DNC systems. Currently DNC is utilized for machines to run very big part programs by dropping feeds codes to machine through computers and therefore, enabling user to utilized limited storage of computers.
Direct Numerical Control
Distributed Numerical Control (DNC)
In early year of 1980s, with advancement in computers & communication technologies, engineers realized that in a network of computers there should be a proper co-ordination for operations of a group of CNC machine tools. Therefore, distributive numerical control (DNC) comes into picture. Now, various CNC machines together with programmable logic controllers, robots and other computer-based controllers have been integrated into DNC systems to built automated manufacturing systems possible.