Addition of Battery in Series Clipper Circuit Assignment Help

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Addition of a Battery in the Series Clipper Circuit

  • In the diagram. The direction of the diode recommends that the signal Vi have to be positive to turn on it. Further the dc supply needs that the voltage Vi be

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higher than V volts to turn on the diode. The negative region of input signal is pressuring the diode into off region.

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  • Now we find out the applied voltage which will cause a modifying in state for the diode. The ideal diode transition take place  at the point on the characteristic here Vd= 0 & Id = 0

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  • In this matter transition will take place at

                                                            Vi = V                           

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While the diode is short circuited as indicated in the diagram. The output voltage V0 may  be determined  by applying KVL equation

                                                Vi - V  - V0 = 0

                                                            V0  = Vi - V

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  • In this matter

                                                V0  = Vm  - V

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