Classification Based on Nature of Survey Field
On this basis survey may be classified as marine, land survey, or astronomical survey and hydraulic survey.
Land Survey. It involves measurement of different objects on land. This type of survey can be further classified as following:
(a) Topographic Survey: It is for plotting natural features such as, lakes, forests, rivers and hills and along with manmade features such as railways, roads, towns, villages and canals.
(b) Cadestal Survey: It is meant for marking the boundaries of, villages, talukas, municipalities, districts, states etc. Survey made to mark properties of individuals also comes under this category.
(c) City Survey: in connection the survey made with the construction of water supply, streets and sewage lines fall under this category.
Marine or Hydro graphic Survey: In bodies of water e.g. river, sea and lakes fall under this category, Survey conducted to find depth of water at different points. Finding depth of water at specified points is called as sounding.
Astronomical Survey: Observations made to heavenly bodies such as, stars, sun, moon etc., to locate, on the earth absolute positions of points and for the purpose of calculating local time is called as astronomical survey.