
The methods based on volatility mainly include vaporization and distillation in its various forms. The Sublimation is a special case of distillation whereas a solid is directly vaporized without passing by a liquid state. Vaporization is simple where solvent is erased through using heat or air currents such in which the material concentrates to a solid. In separation through distillation, all the components of interest in the mixture are volatile. Sublimation is an exception to this because of the physical state of the component. Distillation depends on the distribution of constituents between the liquid mixture and the vapor in equilibrium with the mixture. The more volatile component is concentrated in the vapor while the less volatile components remain in the liquid phase in greater concentration.

There are several forms of distillation like as fractional distillation, flash distillation, vacuum distillation, steam distillation and azeotropic distillation.

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