Units and Constants Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Classical physics - Units and Constants

Units and Constants:

Units are devices which scientists use to point out, estimate, and compute aspects of the world and the universe. Numbers by themselves are conceptual. Try to imagine the number 5 in your mind. You assume of a set or object: five objects, a line five meters long, five dots, a five-pointed star, or a pentagon. Though, these are sets or objects, not the real number. It is still more complicated to directly imagine the square root of two (21/2), pi (π), or the natural logarithm base (e), that aren't whole numbers.

Most of the people think of numbers as points on a line which are certain distances from the origin, or zero point. Displacement may be 21/2 units or π meters. You may think of a particular length of time, such as e seconds. May be you imagine of mass in kilograms or even something more exotic, like the intensity of an electric current in amperes, or the brightness of a light bulb in candelas.

Constants Conversions of SI units to other ordinary scheme
Dimensions International System
Mass Of The Earth Mass Of The Sun
Prefix Multipliers Speed Of Electromagnetic (Em) Field Propagation
Systems of Units The Ampere
The Angular Degree The Candela
The Cgs System The Coulomb
The English System The Farad
The Henry The Hertz
The Joule The Kelvin
The Kilogram The Meter
The Mole The Newton
The OHM The Radian
The Second The Siemens
The Steradian The Tesla
The Volt The Watt
The Weber
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