Circular Flow of Income:
There are basically three economic agents in the economy: households, firnls and government. The households receive income by selling their labour and capital inputs in the factor market. This income is used on three heads:
i) payment of taxes to the government,
ii) consumption of goods and services, and
iii) saving through financial markets.
Firms use the revenue obtained by selling goods and dces for factor payment. The government receives revenue from taxes, which is used for purchase of goods and services. If government revenue is less than its purchases (that means ifthere is a detail') then the government borrows from the financial markets.

Thus there is a circular flow of income and expenditure from one economic agent to others in a closed economy. If foreign trade is allowed, the model presented at Fig. needs modification and external sector needs to be introduced. Remember that the circular flow depicted in Fig. is a simplification of reality even for a closed economy. Here we assume that households own labour and capital. In practice, firms also own capital, make investment, and pay taxes to the government. Government transfers money to households as social security measures.