Friend Functions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Classes and Objects - Friend Functions

Friend functions

The major concept of the OOPs is data encapsulation and data hiding. Whenever data variables are declared in a private type of a class these members are restricted from accessing through non-member functions. To access a private data member through a non-member function is to modify a private data member to a public group. Whenever the private or protected data member is modified to a public category, it violates the overall concept of data hiding and data encapsulation. To explain this problem, a friend function can be declared to have access to these data members.   Friend is a particular mechanism for letting non-member functions access private data.   A friend function might be declared or defined inside the scope of a class definition.  A keyword friend informs the compiler in which it is not a member function of the class.

The general form is

friend function return_type user_function_name(parameters);

where friend is a keyword that is used as function modifier.


class alpha



int x;


void getdata( );

friend void display (alpha abc);


cout<<"value of x = "<<abc.x;

cout<< endl;



void sample :: getdata ( )


cout<<"enter value for x \n";



void main ( )


alpha a;

a.getdata ( );

cout<<"accessing private data by non-member function"<<endl;



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