Find out output voltage Assignment Help

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Q. Find out v0 for the network shown in the diagram.

1388_output voltage.png


Our analysis shall start at time t1 to t2 .our circuit shall behave as indicated in the diagram. By applying KVL to input loop

                                                -20 + Vc - 5 = 0

                                                     Vc = 25V

2313_output voltage1.png

The capacitor shall consequently charge up to 25V. In this the resistor shall not be shorted by the diode, however a Thevenin's correspondent circuit for that part of the network which includes the battery & resistor shall result in Rth = 0, with    Eth = V = 5V. 

2227_output voltage2.png

            For the period t2 to t3 the circuit is indicated in the diagram.

291_output voltage3.png

By applying KVL across the outer loop

                                                            10 + 25 - Vo = 0


                                                            Vo = 35V

The time constant of the discharging network of diagram is find out by the product of RC and contain magnitude

                                                 T = RC = 0.01S

            The output wave form shall obtain the shape like

436_output voltage4.png

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