Wrought Iron Assignment Help

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Wrought Iron

It is approximately pure iron. It contains less than 0.15% carbon. During the process of manufacturing attempts are made to reduce the other impurities.

Properties of Wrought Iron:

1. Its decisive compressive strength is 200 N/mm2 and ultimate tensile strength is 375 N/mm2.

2. It is brittle and ductile

3. It has 77 kN/m3 unit weight

4. It melts at approximate 1500°C. It becomes so soft at 900°C that by hammering two pieces can be joined.

5. It may absorb shocks very well.

6. It forms temporary magnets but permanently it cannot be magnetised.

7. It rusts more simply.

Uses of Wrought Iron:

1. It is used for making nails bolts and nuts, chains and wires.

2. It is used for making, grills, fences, roofing sheets, window gaurds etc.

3. Steel: extensively it is used in building material. Three varieties of steel which are extensively used are following:

  1.      Mild steel
  2.      High carbon steel and
  3.      High tensile steel.
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