Rubble Masonry Assignment Help

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Rubble Masonry

Stones of irregular sizes and shapes are used in this type of constructions.

They may be hammered to remove sharp shapes. The rubble masonry may be coursed or un-coursed. The wall is brought to level at every 300 mm to 500 mm in un-coursed rubble masonry. In this construction Mortar consumed is more. For the construction of public and residential buildings Course rubble masonry is utilized. Compound walls, garages, labour quarters etc Un-coursed rubble masonry is used for the construction of foundations. A skilled mason can arrange the facing stones in polygonal shapes to improve the aesthetic of the wall.

1538_rubble masonry.png

                (a) Elevation                    (b) Section x - x

                                  Un-coursed rubble masonry

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Coursed rubble masonry

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