Plane Table and its Accessories Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Civil Engineering - Plane Table and its Accessories


The most commonly used plane table is shown in given figure. On a tripod it consists of a well seasoned wooden table top mounted. The table top can freely rotate about vertical axis. Whenever necessary, table can be clamped in the desired orientation. By adjusting tripod legs table can be levelled.

1468_plane table.png

             Plane table with stand

To carry out plane table survey the following accessories are required:

  1.   Alidade
  2.   Plumbing fork with plumb bob.
  3.   Spirit level
  4.   Trough compass
  5.   Drawing sheets and accessories for drawing.
Alidade Drawing Sheet and Accessories for Drawing
Plane Alidade Plumbing Fork with Plumb Bob
Telescopic Alidade Trough Compass
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