Flemish Bond
Each course comprises of alternate header and stretcher in this type of bond. With stretcher and header Alternate courses begin. Queen closers are required to break the vertical joints, if a course starts with header. Centrally every header is supported on the stretcher below it.
Flemish bonds can be further classified as
- Double Flemish Bond
- Single Flemish Bond.
Both faces of the wall have flemish look in case of double flemish bond, For example: each course consist of alternate header and stretcher, while single flemish bond outer faces of walls have flemish look while inner faces have look of English bond .
Construction of flemish bond require greater skill. It gives more pleasant appearance. But it is less strong in comparison of English bond. If pointing is to be used only for finished wall, flemish bond can be used to get good aesthetic view. It is better to use English bond if plastering is going to be used.
![805_flemish bond.png](https://www.expertsmind.com/../CMSImages/805_flemish bond.png)
(i) odd courses (ii) even courses
(a) Double Flemish Bond (1.5 Brick Thick)
![1799_flemish bond1.png](https://www.expertsmind.com/CMSImages/1799_flemish%20bond1.png)
(b) Single flemish bond
Flemish bond