Fire Resistant Buildings Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Civil Engineering - Fire Resistant Buildings


In USA, It is reported that fire kills more people each year than all other natural disasters combined including cyclones, floors and earthquake. In a building the fire load should be kept to the minimum possible. By the combustion of the content of the building including its own combustible part the term fire load shows the amount of heat liberated in kilo joules per square metre (kJ/m2) of floor area of any compartment. It is found out by multiplying the weights of every combustible material by their respective calorific values and dividing that with floor area.

A building can be made more fire resistant by

  1.   Using appropriate materials
  2.   Taking precautions in construction of building
  3.   By providing fire extinguishers and fire alarm systems.
Fire Alarm System and Fire extinguishers Fire Precautions in Building Construction
Suitable Material for Fire Resistant Buildings
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