Cellular Concrete Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Civil Engineering - Cellular Concrete


In the concrete or mortar a light weight concrete produced by introducing large voids is called cellular concrete. Whereas plain concrete density is 24 kN/m3 ,Its density varies from 3 kN/m3 to 8 kN/m3. It is also known as, foamed , aerated or gas concrete.

Properties of cellular concrete:

Cellular concrete has the following properties:

  1.  It contains good fire resistance.
  2.  It contains low weight.
  3.  Thermal expansion is negligible.
  4.  It contain good thermal insulation property
  5.  Freezing and thawing problems are absent.
  6.  It contains fewer tendencies to spall.
  7.  Sound absorption is good.

Uses of Cellular Concrete

1. Cellular Concrete is used for the construction of partition walls.

2.  Cellular Concrete is used for the construction of hollow filled floors.

3. Cellular Concrete is used for partitions for heat insulation purposes.

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