Calculation of Volumes Assignment Help

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Calculation of Volumes

Once at various sections cross-sectional areas are called volume can be found from or prismoidal and trapezoidal rule as given below:

Trapezoidal  Rule

932_calculation of volumes.png         ...(1)

 where 'n' are number of segments at interval of 'd', Area at L = nd, being An.

Prismoidal  Rule

2265_calculation of volumes1.png                                  ...(2)                                                                                                                                                    

where n = number of even segments.

If for n - 1 segments number of segments are odd, (means n is odd), prismoidal rule can be applied and for the last one trapezoidal rule is applied. Then for the last segment area at middle of last segment found and prismoidal formula applied for Am, An - 1, and An.

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