Computation of Earth Work from Spot Levels
This method is used for the elevations of basements to calculate volume of earth work, large tanks and borrow pits. The whole area is divided into a number of rectangles or triangles in this method as shown in figure. The levels are taken at corner points before and also after excavation. At each corner point the depth of excavation is measured. Then for each simple figure (rectangle or triangle)
V = Area of the figure × average depth.
Therefore for a rectangle with corner depth ha, hb, hc and hd,
For a triangle,
when all volumes is added give total volume of work.
It may be noted that in Fig. (a), in total volume calculations depth of some corners appear once, some twice, some of them three times and some four times. If
Σh1 = some of depths used once
Σh2 = sum of depths used twice
Σh3 = sum of depths used thrice
Σh4 = sum of depths used four times.
Similarly in figure 2, sum depths are used once, some two times, some three times and some others six times. Defining hi same as above.