The planning and construction of a building might be aimed at fulfilling the requirements described below:
- Dimensional stability
- Strength and stability
- Heat insulation
- Resistance to fire
- Protection against termite attack
- Sound insulation
- Durability
- Security against burglary
- Lighting and ventilation
- Comforts and convenience
- Economy.
1. Strength and Stability: Building might be capable of transferring the expected loads in its life period safely to the ground. Design of Several structural components such as slabs, walls, beams, columns and footing might ensure safety. None of the structural components might buckle, overturn and collapse.
2. Dimensional Stability: Excessive deformation of structural components provides a sense of instability and result into crack in flooring and walls etc. All structural components might be so designed that deflections do not exceed the permissible values specified in the codes.
3. Resistance to Dampness: Dampness in a building is a great nuisance and it may reduce the life of the building. Great care should be taken in planning and in the construction of the building to avoid dampness.
4. Resistance to Fire: Regarding to achieve resistance to fire, the fundamental requirements laid down in the codes are following:
(1) The structure should not ignite simply.
(2) Building orientation might be such that spread of fire is slow.
(3)There should be means of easy access to vacate building quickly, In case of fire.
5. Heat Insulation: A building might be so oriented and designed that it insulates interior from heat.
6. Sound Insulation: Buildings might be planned against outdoor and indoor noises.
7. Protection from Termite: Buildings might be protected from termites.
8. Durability: Every component of the building must be durable.
9. Security against Burglary: It is the basic need the owner of the building expects.
10. Lighting and Ventilation: Natural light and ventilations are required for healthy and happy living. Diffused light and good cross ventilation ought to be available inside the building.
11. Comforts and Conveniences: in the building several units should be correctly grouped and integrated keeping in mind the comfort and convenience of the user.
12. Economy: Economy is another basic requirement without sacrificing comfort, convenience and durability of the building.