Voltammetry Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Chemistry - Voltammetry


This is the first unit of the electroanalytical methods course. We will start our discussion by defining what is voltammetry and then continue our discussion with the different methods of voltammetry. We will elaborate the sampled DC polarography and hydrodynamic voltammetry. We will also define in detail the pulse methods viz. Normal pulse polarography, Differential pulse polarography and Square wave polarography/voltammetry.

Then cyclic voltammetry (CV) will be discussed along with a diagnostic test to decide reversibility of a redox reaction. At last the instrumentation involving CV will be explained.


After studying this unit, you should be able to:

  • Describe voltammetry,
  • Elaborate the electrodes and processes of voltammetry,
  • Elaborate the dc methods in voltammetry,
  • Describe the pulse methods of voltammetry,
  • Describe anodic, cathodic and adsorptive stripping methods in voltammetry,
  • Elaborate the alternating current methods in voltammetry,
  • Name the instruments included in voltammetry, and
  • Choose an appropriate method of voltammetry for the analysis of a particular sample.

Microelectrodes are working electrodes that have surface areas smaller than a few square millimeters.

Voltammetry: Volt- ampere-metry means measurement of current- voltage relationship.

Alternating Current Methods Anodic and Cathodic
Calculate the concentration of cu Common Voltammetric Methods
Concentration of indium and cadmium Determined from the separation between peak potentials
Direct Methods Electrode surface
Electrodes and Processes HMDE and DME
Measurement of a current Pulse Methods
Reproducibility Stripping Methods
Stripping voltammetry
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