Rates of Reaction Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Chemistry - Rates of Reaction

Rates of Reaction

Chemical reactions takes place at varying speed some are very slow (for example rusting of iron) and take weeks to occur, while others are very fast (for example burning of fireworks) and are over in seconds.

By understanding at what rate a chemical reaction will take place and the factors that effects the rate of a reaction is important.

Collision theory: the collision theory stats that for any chemical reaction to occur the reacting particles must collide.

So any parameter that influences the speed of movement of the particles and thus the frequency of collision will affect the rate of a reaction.

Factors which effects the rate of a reaction are stated as follows:

(i)   Temperature

(ii)   Pressure

(iii)  Surface area

(iv)  Concentration

(v)   Catalyst and

(vi)   Light

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