Inorganic chemistry Assignment Help

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Inorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry which is concerned with the properties and behavior of the inorganic compounds. This field covers all the chemical compounds except the myriad organic compounds (carbon based compounds, containing C-H bonds). 

Coordination compounds: Classical coordination compounds feature metals bound to "lone pairs" of electrons residing on main group atoms of ligands like NH3, H2O, Cl, and CN. In modern coordination compounds almost all the organic and inorganic compounds can be used as ligands. The "metal" commonly is a metal from the groups 3-13, as well as the trans-lanthanides and trans-actinides, but from a certain perspective, all the chemical compounds can be described as coordination complexes.

Main group compounds: These species feature elements from the groups 1, 2 and 13-18 (expect hydrogen) of the periodic table. Due to their often similar reactivity, the elements in group 3 (Sc, Y, and La) and group 12 (Zn, Cd, and Hg) are also included generally.

Transition metal compounds: Compounds having metals from group 4 to 11 are considered transition metal compounds. Compounds with a metal from the group 3 or 12 are at times also incorporated into this group, but also often classified as main group compounds. 

Organometallic chemistry: Usually, organometallic compounds are to contain the M-C-H group. The metal (M) in these species can be a main group element or a transition metal. Organometallic compounds are mainly considered a special category because organic ligands are not sensitive to hydrolysis or oxidation, necessitating that the organometallic chemistry employs more specialized preparative methods than was traditional in the Werner-type complexes.                

Cluster compound: Clusters can be found in all the classes of chemical compounds. According to the widely accepted definition, a cluster consists minimally of a triangular set of atoms that are directly bonded to each other. But metal-metal bonded dimetallic complexes are quite relevant to the area. Clusters occur in "pure" inorganic systems, organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and main group chemistry. 

3d Series- Aqueous Ions 3d Series- Solid Compounds
4d and 5d Series Actinium and the Actinides
Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals
Atomic Orbital Binary Compounds-Factors influencing Structure
Binary Compounds: Simple Structures Bioinorganic chemistry
Bond Strength Boron
Bronsted Acids and Bases Carbon, Silicon and Germanium
Chemical Periodicity Complex Formation
Complex Solids Complex: Kinetics and Mechanism
Complex: Structure and Isomerism Complexes: Electronic Spectra and Mechanism
Complexes: Pie Acceptor Ligands Electrical and Optical Properties of Solids
Electrode Potentials Electron-Pair Bonds
Electronegativity and Bond Type Element Structures
Environemental Cycling and Pollution Geochemistry
Group 13 - Alluminium to Thallium Group 14 - Tin and Lead
Halogens Hydrogen
Industrial chemistry Industrial chemistry: Catalysts
Inorganic Compounds Inorganic Reaction and Synthesis
Introduction to Non Metals Introduction to Non-Transition Metals
Introduction to Solids Introduction to Transition Metals
Lanthanum and the Lanthanides Lattice Energy
Lewis Acids and Bases Ligand Field Theory
Many-Electron Atoms Methods of Characterization
Molecular Orbitals: Heteronuclear Diatomics Molecular Orbitals: Homonuclear Diatomics
Molecular Orbitals: Polyatomics Molecular shapes: VSEPR
Molecular Symmetry and Point Groups Molecules in Condensed Phases
Nitrogen Noble Gases
Nuclear Atom Organometallic Compounds
Origin and Abundance of Elements Oxidation and Reduction
Oxygen Periodic Table
Phosphorus, Arsenic and Antimony Rings and Clusters
Solubility of Ionic Substances Stability and Reactivity
Sulphur, Selenium and Tellurium Trends in Atomic Properties
Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury
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