Corrosion Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Chemistry - Corrosion


Uncontrolled corrosion in DOE facilities could cause several serious problems. Corrosion occurs continuously, and each metal within each facility is subject to a few category of corrosion. Even by corrosion cannot be eliminated, it could be controlled.

DEFINE the following terms:

a. Ionization

b. Conductivity

c. Corrosion

d. Electrolysis

e. General corrosion

DESCRIBE an electrochemical cell along with respect to the corrosion of metals.

STATE what happens to a metal in during the oxidation step of the oxidation-reduction procedure.

STATE what happens to a metal during the reduction step of the oxidation-reduction process.

DEFINE the following terms:

a. Passivity

b. Polarization

DESCRIBE the affects of passivity and polarization at the corrosion process.

Basics of Corrosion Cathodic Protection and Removing Corrosive Agents
Chemical Addition Corrosion of Aluminum
Crud and Galvanic Corrosion Effect of pH on the Corrosion Rate of Iron in Water
Effect of pH on the Relative Attack Rate of Iron in Water Electrochemical Cells
Factors Affecting General Corrosion Rate General Corrosion
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Passivity and Polarization of Metal
Prevention Chemistry Control and Passivators and Inhibitors Specialized Corrosion
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