Balancing Chemical Equations Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Chemical Equations - Balancing Chemical Equations

Balancing Chemical Equations:

The number of atoms or molecules of every substance is displays through the coefficients within the equation.  Since atoms cannot be created or destroyed within a chemical reaction and a chemical equation must be balanced so which there is exactly the similar number of atoms of every element on each side of the equation.


Explain the subsequent chemical equation.

2Fe + 3H2O → Fe2O3 + 3H2


This chemical equation displays which iron reacts along with water to form ferric oxide and hydrogen gas (the vertical arrow ↑ denotes a gas). This chemical equation also displays that for every two atoms of iron which react; three molecules of water are used to form one molecule of ferric oxide and three molecules of hydrogen gas.  That is a balanced chemical equation. There are two subsequent iron atoms on every side of the equation; there are six hydrogen atoms on every side; and there are three oxygen atoms on every side.

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