Characteristics of Matter Assignment Help

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Characteristics of Matter:

The word states of matter refer to the physical forms in that matter exists: liquid, solid, and gas. Solids are categorized as having both a definite shape and a definite volume.  Within a solid, the forces which keep the molecules or atoms together are strong. Thus, a solid does not needs outside support to manage its shape.

Liquids have definite volumes but indefinite shapes and are slightly compressible. Liquids take the shape of their holders.  Forces which keep a liquid's molecules or atoms together are weaker than within the solids.

Gases are readily compressible and capable of infinite expansion. They have various shape and indefinite volume. By the three states, gases have the weakest forces containing their molecules or atoms together.

The variant states of matter have one thing in general; they could all be broken down within fundamental units known as atoms.

Atomic Number Atomic Weight
Avogadros number Chemical Symbols
Mole Mole of Molecules
Molecular Weight Molecules
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