Action Research Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Change Models - Action Research

Action Research:

A modification procedure based on systematic collection and analysis of data is known as action research. In the given approach, data is collected to diagnose the problem and action steps are identified on the basis of the analysis of the data. It is a five step procedure.

Table: Steps in Action Research








Data collection about the perceptions, problems, concerns & the expected changes from the employees of the organisation.  Questions, secondary records, interviews, & a variety of techniques are used.




Data analysis to identify the problems, patterns of behaviours and etc. Inferences are drawn and the basic concerns, problem areas & expectations identified.




The highlights of the analysis in terms of concerns and problem areas are shared along with the employees, especially those from whom data has been collected. Along with the help of representatives of employees, the action plan for bringing about needed change in specific areas is decided upon.




An action plan is set within motion.




An evaluation is carried out at the planned intervals to know the extent to that implementation has taken place and desired changes have been arrived at. Essential steps might be taken for collection, changes or additional work.

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