Moment of Inertia of Area Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia - Moment of Inertia of Area

Moment of Inertia of Area:


Let an area of a surface contain large number of small elements of area dA each. The area integral of all of such elements may be written mathematically as under :


Referring to Figure, the Area Moment of Inertia of elemental area dA around x axis, in its plane is described as,

I x (Element) = dA ×  y 2

I y (Element) = dA × x 2

Since the axis x lies in the plane of element, these are also called as axis moment of inertia of the element dA.

Figure 4.30

Polar moment of inertia of dA, that means around z axis perpendicular to the plane of A,

I z (Element) = dA ( x 2  +  y 2 )

Product of Inertia of element dA w.r.t. axes x and y,

I xy (Element) = dA ( x ×  y)

Moment of Inertia of Area A Parallel Axis Theorem
Perpendicular Axis Theorem
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