Proof of Castiglianos Theorem Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Castiglianos Theorem - Proof of Castiglianos Theorem

Proof of Castiglianos Theorem:

Mathematically if the total strain energy, U, refer to a function of the loads

Pi (i = 1 to n), then

δm  = ∂U / ∂Pm

here δm is the displacement of the point of application of the load Pi in the direction of Pm.

Let us prove the theorem now. Assume the beam in Figure 9 with forces PA, PB, PC, etc. working at points A, B, C, etc.

494_Proof of Castiglianos Theorem.png


Let δA, δB, δC, etc. be the deflections in the direction of loads at the points A, B, C, . . ., respectively.

After that, the strain energy of the system is equivalent to the work done.

U = (½) PA δ A+ (½) PB δB   +( ½) PC δC       + .. .

If one of the loads PA is now enhanced by an amount Δ PA, the changes in the deflection shall be Δ δA, Δ δB, Δ δC, etc. as illustrated in Figure. In enhancing the load from PA to

(PA + Δ PA), extra work is completed and it is as follows .

Extra work done at A =  PA + (½) Δ P  × Δ δA

Extra work done at B = PB  × Δ δB

Extra work done at C = PC  × Δ δC

Likewise, in the case of other load also. After that, the total extra work one,

 = PA  Δ δA   + 1 Δ PB Δ δB   + PB Δ δB   + PCΔ δC      + ...

This must be equal to enhances in strain energy Δ U.

By Neglecting the product of small quantities (Δ PA Δ δA) As they are very small as compared to the other terms.

ΔU = PA  Δ δ A  + PB  Δ δB  + PC  Δ δC  + .. .

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