Proof of Castiglianos Theorem:
Mathematically if the total strain energy, U, refer to a function of the loads
Pi (i = 1 to n), then
δm = ∂U / ∂Pm
here δm is the displacement of the point of application of the load Pi in the direction of Pm.
Let us prove the theorem now. Assume the beam in Figure 9 with forces PA, PB, PC, etc. working at points A, B, C, etc.

Let δA, δB, δC, etc. be the deflections in the direction of loads at the points A, B, C, . . ., respectively.
After that, the strain energy of the system is equivalent to the work done.
U = (½) PA δ A+ (½) PB δB +( ½) PC δC + .. .
If one of the loads PA is now enhanced by an amount Δ PA, the changes in the deflection shall be Δ δA, Δ δB, Δ δC, etc. as illustrated in Figure. In enhancing the load from PA to
(PA + Δ PA), extra work is completed and it is as follows .
Extra work done at A = PA + (½) Δ P × Δ δA
Extra work done at B = PB × Δ δB
Extra work done at C = PC × Δ δC
Likewise, in the case of other load also. After that, the total extra work one,
= PA Δ δA + 1 Δ PB Δ δB + PB Δ δB + PCΔ δC + ...
This must be equal to enhances in strain energy Δ U.
By Neglecting the product of small quantities (Δ PA Δ δA) As they are very small as compared to the other terms.
ΔU = PA Δ δ A + PB Δ δB + PC Δ δC + .. .