Nucleophilic Substitution Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Carboxylic acids and carboxylic acid derivatives - Nucleophilic Substitution

Nucleophilic Substitution:

 Nucleophilic substitutions are reactions that include the substitution of one nucleophile for other. Alkyl halides, carboxylic acids, and carboxylic acid derivatives go through nucleophilic substitution. Though, the mechanisms included for alkyl halides are little bit different from those included for carboxylic acids and their derivatives. The reaction of a methoxide ion along with ethanoyl chloride is an instance of nucleophilic substitution, in which one nucleophile (the methoxide ion) substitutes other nucleophile (Cl).

6_Nucleophilic Substitution.png

Figure:   Nucleophilic substitution.

Addition vs substitution Mechanism – charged nucleophiles
Mechanism – neutral ucleophiles
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