Capacitors in parallel:
The capacitances which are connected in parallel add like resistances in series. That is, the total capacitance is sum of individual component values. Again, you required to be sure that you use same size units all the way.
If the two or more capacitors are connected in parallel, and one of the components is much larger than any of the others, the total capacitance in the circuit can be taken as simply the value of the biggest one.
The three capacitors are in parallel, having values of C1 = 0.100 µF, C2 = 0.0100 µF, and C3 = 0.00100 µF, as shown in the figure given below. What is the total capacitance present in the circuit?

Figure-- Capacitors in parallel.
Simply add them up: C1 = 0.100 + 0.0100 + 0.00100 = 0. 111000. As the values can be given to 3 significant figures, the final answer should be stated as C = 0.111 µF.