Tangents at the Origin Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Calculus - Tangents at the Origin

Tangents at the Origin :

Let the equation of the parabolic curve passing through the origin point be

(a1x + a2y) + (b1x2 + b2xy + b3y2) + .... + (l1xn + ... + lnyn) = 0                  (1)

Let P (x, y) be any arbitrary point on the curve. The slope of the chord OP is y/x. Therefore the equation of the chord OP is

Y =(y/x)X .

As x->0, the chord OP happens to the tangent at O and so the equation of the tangent at O is

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Y = mX, where m = limx->0 y/x.             (2)

Dividing (1) by x, we calculate

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Taking the limit as x->0 and using (2), we take

a1 + a2m = 0

i.e. a1 + a2 Y/X = 0           (? Y = mX)

i.e. a1X + a2Y = 0.

Thus the equation of the tangent at the origin point can be shown as

a1x + a2y = 0.

That equation is similar as the lowest degree terms in (1) when equated to zero.

If a1 = a2 = 0, then (1) converts to

(b1x + b2xy + b3y2) + (c1x3 + c2x2y + c3xy2 + c4y3) + .... = 0           (3)

Dividing the x2 and taking the limit as x->0, we obtain

b1 + b2m + b3m2 = 0

Or, b1665_Tangents at the Origin3.png = 0 (? Y = mX)

Or, b1X2 + b2XY + b3Y2 = 0.

We can write it as

b1 x2 + b2xy + b3y2 = 0.                               (4)

which shows a pair of tangents at this origin.

The equation (4) is similar as the lowest degree terms in (3) when computed to zero.

Similarly, it may be shown that if a1 = a2 = 0 and b1 = b2 = b3 = 0, then c1x3 + c2x2y + c3xy2 + c4y3 = 0 is the equation of the curve tangent at the origin. Hence we have the given equation:

Rule: The tangents at the origin point are provided by equating to zero the lowest degree components in the equation of the provided curve.

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