Homogeneous Reducible Equation Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Calculus - Homogeneous Reducible Equation

Homogeneous Reducible Equation:

Type 1: Suppose a differential equation of the form:

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 That is clearly non-homogeneous. In order to create it homogeneous, we proceed as follows:

We replace x = X + h and y = Y + k in (i), where h, k are constants to be calculated suitably.

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 Now (i) becomes
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Select h and k so that

ah + bk + c = 0,

Ah + Bk + C = 0.

These equations provide

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 Now equation (ii) becomes

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 which being a homogeneous equation will be solved by means of the replacement Y = VX.

Type II: Suppose a differential equation of the form

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 Since aB - Ab = 0, the above function fails in view of (iii).

We have

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Let us replace Ax + By = z such that
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Now (iv) becomes

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which is an equation with different variables.

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