Exponential Function Assignment Help

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Exponential Function:

The function y = ax (a > 0 and a ≠ 1), where x is a real number, is known as an exponential function with base a.

Suppose a be any positive real number and n be any positive integer.

We described an as follows:

an = a × a × .... × a (n times)

It follows from the meaning that,
(i) am an  = am+n,
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(iii) (am)n = amn

Where n and m are positive integers. Notice that m > n in (ii).

The above definition is simply extended to all integers by defining,

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For a positive rational number m/n, we describe am/n as the nth root of the mth power of a i.e. 515_Exponential Function2.png and

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If x is any real number, we describe

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 It can observed that since the set {ar : r ? Q and r < x} is bounded and non-empty above for a > 1, therefore, by the order completeness charters tics of R, the supremum of the set exists.

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