Centre of Gravity Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Calculus - Centre of Gravity

Centre of Gravity:

If there is a system of n elements with masses m1, m2, ..., mn on a xy-plane with co-ordinates (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...., (xn, yn) respectively. Then the co-ordinates 516_Centre of Gravity.png of the centre of mass or centre of gravity or centroid of the system are shown by

1591_Centre of Gravity1.png

For a continuous element of mass M, the co-ordinates of the C.G. of the body are shown by substituting the summations in (1) by integration, such that
119_Centre of Gravity2.png

Where Δm is the infinitesimal of the general particle of the body whose C.G. is at the point (x, y).

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