Algebraic Curves Asymptotes Assignment Help

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Algebraic Curves Asymptotes:

The equation of an algebraic bounded curve of degree n is of the form

(a0xn + a1xn-1 y + ... + an yn) + (b0xn-1 + b1xn-2 y + .... + bn-1 yn-1) + ... + (ax + by) + c = 0.

This may be written as
1209_Algebraic Curves Asymptotes.png 

Where 1693_Algebraic Curves Asymptotes1.png is a polynomial in of degree r.

Asymptotes parallel to the ordinate axes

Let the equation of the curve be shown as

yn Ø(x) + yn-1 Ø1(x) + yn-2 Ø2(x) + ... + yØn-1 (x) + Øn (x) = 0,                               (1)

where Ø(x), Ø1(x), ......, Øn(x) are polynomials in x.

Dividing (1) by yn, we get

1525_Algebraic Curves Asymptotes2.png 

Let x = a be a vertical asymptote of (1) such that

1652_Algebraic Curves Asymptotes3.png y = ±∞, now it takes from (2), Ø(a) = 0.

Thus, 'a' is not root of Ø(x) = 0 which shows that (x - a) is a factor of Ø(x). Hence we have the subsequent:

Rule 1: The asymptotes parallel to the y-axis of an algebraic curve or vertical asymptotes are get by equating to zero the real linear factors on the coefficient of the highest power of y in the equation of the provided curve.

Same as, we have

Rule 2: The asymptotes parallel to the x-axis or the horizontal asymptotes of an algebraic curve are get by equating to zero the real linear factors in the coefficient of the highest power of x in the equation of the provided curve.

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