Byte Stream Classes Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Byte Streams and Character Streams - Byte Stream Classes

Byte Stream Classes:

Byte streams are defined through using two class hierarchies.  At the top are two abstract classes. Inputstream and Outputstream. Every of these abstract classes have various concrete subclasses which handle the difference among various devices, such as disk files, network connections, and even memory buffers. The byte stream classes are display in Table. A few of these classes are discussed later in this section. Others are described in part 2. Note to use the stream classes, you have to import

The abstract classes Inputstream and OutputStream define various key functions in which the other stream classes implement. Two of the most important are read ( ) and write (  ), that, correspondingly, read and write bytes of data. Methods are declared as abstract inside InoutStream and OutputStream both. They are overridden through derived stream classes.

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