Business Buyer Behaviour Assignment Help

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A Model of Business Buyer Behaviour

At the most essential level, marketers desire to know how business buyers shall respond to many marketing stimuli. Figure shows a model of business buyer behaviour. In model, marketing and other stimuli affect buying organization and manufacture certain buyer responses. 

As along consumer buying, marketing stimuli for business buying consist of four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Other stimuli include main forces in environment: economic, technological, cultural, political and competitive. These stimuli enter organization and are turned into buyer responses: service or product choice; supplier option; and delivery, service, and payment terms and order quantities. To design good marketing mix strategies, the marketer have to understand what happens within organization to turn stimuli into purchase responses.

Within the organization, buying activity consists of two main parts: the buying centre, made up of all the people involved in the buying decision, and buying decision procedure. The model indicates that the buying centre and buying decision procedure are influenced by internal organizational, interpersonal, and specific factors with by external environmental factors.

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