Raw materials Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Business (Industrial ) Markets And Segmentation - Raw materials

Raw materials:

These are industrial goods that become part of another physical product. They are not processed and they include: natural resources-e.g. minerals, products such as wheat, cotton, coffee, tobacco, fruits, vegetables, livestock or animal products like eggs and milk.


  • They are limited in supply and cannot be substantially increased
  • A few large-scale producers are involved
  • Products are highly standardised and graded
  • They are bulky and have low unit value
  • Their location (where they are situated) is sometimes far away from the location of the industrial user
  • In agriculture, raw materials are supplied by many small producers located far away from the markets
  • Supply in agricultural products used as raw materials is controlled by people, however, it cannot be increased or decreased quickly.
  • Agricultural products are perishable and not uniformly throughout the year.
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